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Tuesday 26 February 2013

Hormones play a major role in female fertility

Hormones play a major role in female fertility . Balanced regulation of hormones helps a woman to remain healthy. The first indicator for female fertility is when she gets a regular menstrual cycle. Hormones like estrogen, progesterone, Luteinizing hormone, Follicle stimulating hormone are some of the hormones responsible for menstruation.

Estrogen is the main hormone that helps to give female characteristics. Female characteristics like shrill voice, more fat on thighs, hips and breast, long hair etc. are observed because of Estrogen. During menstruation, estrogen decreases and after the completion of menstruation it slowly increases. Estrogen helps to thicken the lining of the uterus and prepare an appropriate environment for implantation of the fertile egg but if a lady does not conceive, then the uterus lining breaks down resulting in menstruation. Estrogen plays an important role in female fertility. If the estrogen hormone regulation is not adequate, then it can lead to female infertility problems. You can take female fertility supplements to improve your hormones and reproductive wellness.

Progesterone hormone also works similar like estrogen. Progesterone provides nutrition to the egg and helps it mature and survive. When an egg is released, it travels into the fallopian tube. The egg needs energy and nutrition, progesterone provides nutrition for it to survive. Progesterone also helps to thicken the lining of uterus, so that implantation can occur properly. Mid way through the menstrual cycle, estrogen and progesterone increases. Progesterone is essential and if not present can lead to complications which lead to female infertility.

Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) helps to mature the egg when they are present in follicles. FSH plays a major role as it helps in maturing as well as ripening of the egg. Most female infertility problems occur due to an imbalance in FSH which is characterized by irregular periods and early menopause. FSH, if high in level can ripen the egg very fast which leads to poor egg quality and fertilization does not occur. FSH increases at the beginning and end of the menstrual cycle. Luteinizing hormone is the hormone which is released 1-2 days prior to the ovulation day. It is an advance indicator of the most fertile window of a woman’s cycle. LH hormone is secreted when the mature egg releases from the follicle. Many ovulation test kits are available to help predict the ovulation day and therefore ensure intercourse happens on the most likely day for pregnancy.

For female fertility, all of these hormones should be balanced to ensure pregnancy.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

How to get Pregnant

Pregnancy is a very natural process and plays a significant role in any couples lives. For some people, avoiding pregnancy is very difficult and for others, it is very difficult to achieve pregnancy. However, infertility problems have been increasing over the past two decades and a recent study claims that 15 to 20 % of couples are suffering from infertility issues.

So, it is very important to understand “How to get pregnant “or the different factors which attribute to achieving pregnancy directly or indirectly. Please read on the below mentioned list of 10 easy ways to get pregnancy easily and fast.

Give up using contraceptives: If you want to conceive, you should stop taking any kind of contraceptives. As there are many types of contraceptive pills available in the market it is also a big question for us to know when to stop if we want to achieve pregnancy. Some doctors suggest that if you are taking COC (combined oral contraceptives) you should stop taking it when you have finished a full cycle of pills and if you are taking POP (progestogen-only pill) then you can stop it any time.

Test your ovulation: It is very important to track your ovulation through ovulation test kit which is readily available in the market. Ovulation is a process when a matured egg is released from the ovary and travels down to fallopian tube for the business of fertilization. Normally, only one egg is released at the time of ovulation and it lives for 12-24 hours in fallopian tube for the process of fertilization. It is believed that one day before ovulation occurs and one day after ovulation is the best time for fertilization. These days are considered the most fertile days in a woman’s menstrual cycle. So, it is very important to predict ovulation with the help of an ovulation kit which is easy to use and easily available. Test kits containing 7 tests are best. Test daily at least five days from your likely ovulation date to ensure most accurate results.

Track your Body Basal Temperature everyday: you need to take your body basal temperature everyday with the help of body basal thermometer. It is very important to know when you are going to ovulate as it will help you to plan your intercourse. The best time to take body basal thermometer is when you first wake up in the morning. You should take the reading at the same time each day.